Wilmington, NC Hypothyroid Solutions That Work – Dr. Joseph Alaimo

Natural Thyroid Help in Wilmington, NC – Dr. Joseph Alaimo

Wilmington, NC Safe, Natural Thyroid Treatment – Dr. Joseph Alaimo

Wilmington, NC Alternative Solutions for Thyroid Problems – Dr. Joseph Alaimo

Wilmington, NC Chiropractor, Dr. Joseph Alaimo, Puts A New Twist On Hypothyroid Disease Care

PRESS RELEASE: Wilmington, NC, 19-OCT-2011: Dr. Joseph Alaimo, Wilmington thyroid chiropractor offers individuals suffering from hypothyroidism solutions that address the condition and provide solutions that helps patients achieve a greater quality of life and the ability to function more effectively in their daily lives.

When interviewed recently Dr. Alaimo stated, “Many people do not realize that they are suffering from hypothyroidism because of the multiple symptoms associated with the condition. I use a “whole body” approach to care that includes addressing all factors contributing to the condition and give my patients the care and education they need to make the changes needed in their diet, exercise, and lifestyle to alleviate the symptoms and disease.”

An individual may suffer from symptoms of hypothyroidism, but in many cases the individual symptoms will be addressed without the added testing being done to determine if this is the cause of the symptoms. An individual who suffers from fatigue, cold feet/hands, weight gain, irregular bowel movements, depression, and thinning hair are only a few of the common symptoms of this condition. Dr. Alaimo uses multiple methods of testing to determine what is causing the hypothyroidism and increase the ability of the thyroid gland to function properly.

Dr. Alaimo will evaluate all results of testing and discuss the past medical history of the patient as well as the current diet, lifestyle, and activities. The doctor uses both gentle, low-force manipulation to realign discs, relieve pressure from pinched nerves, and improve circulation throughout the body.

As part of the wellness plan, the doctor also uses nutritional therapy to provide nutrients and vitamins to the body that will increase the metabolism and improve stamina and balance in the body. He will also use oxygen therapy and massage therapy to further stimulate circulation and reduce stress to tissues and muscles.

To get more information about the methods used by Dr. Joseph Alaimo, Wilmington Thyroid chiropractor to address Hypothyroidism in patients visit http://WilmingtonThyroid.com today. Individuals wishing to get more details about this press release will find contact information below.

Dr. Joseph Alaimo

Alaimo Spinal Care and Rehab

1098 Medical Center Drive

Wilmington, NC 28401

Telephone: (910) 251-1620

Fax: (910) 251-1441 fax

Website: http://WilmingtonThyroid.com

Summary: Dr. Joseph Alaimo, Wilmington Thyroid chiropractor provides the care, resources, and education needed to effectively address hypothyroidism and increase the quality of life of individuals who suffer from the condition. The doctor uses a “whole body” approach that addresses all factors contributing to the condition.

Poor digestion can cause depression

By Dr. Joe Alaimo, MA,DC

I went to see my natural medicine practitioner for depression and she wants to work on my digestive health. I don’t get the connection.

Many people would be surprised to learn how greatly gut health affects brain health. A poor diet, inflamed gut, and intestinal permeability definitely can promote depression.

Depression a not-so-obvious symptom of poor digestion
Sometimes digestion issues are obvious; they cause gas, bloating, heartburn, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, or abdominal pain. Other times the main symptom is not so obvious—depression.

An unhealthy diet and compromised gut health can promote depression in several ways.

Poor nutrition
When one eats a junk food diet laden with processed foods, trans fats, sugars, and artificial chemicals, the brain suffers. The brain needs healthy fats, high-quality protein, abundant vitamins and minerals, and a diet low in starchy foods and sugars.

Gluten is directly linked to depression in some. It causes gut inflammation, which can lead to inflammation in areas of the brain that regulate mood. Some people digest gluten into gluteomorphin, an opioid similar to heroin or morphine that can cause depression (not to mention constipation). Gluten can also cause autoimmune attacks in the brain with symptoms of depression. Dairy or other foods may also cause depression, depending on sensitivity.

Leaky gut
Leaky gut happens when the lining of the intestines becomes overly permeable. This allows undigested foods, bacteria, and other pathogens into the bloodstream, creating inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation in the brain may cause depression.

Inflammation in the gut also inhibits absorption of nutrients necessary for good brain function. An example is tryptophan, an amino acid found in proteins. The brain synthesizes tryptophan into serotonin, a “well-being and joy” brain chemical.

Always consider gut health
Depression is a complex, multi-faceted condition that can have its roots in various causes. However the role of diet and digestive health should always be included in a functional approach to depression.

Wilmington Thyroid Disease Sufferers Find Relief Through Chiropractic Care

A slight misalignment of the vertebrae in the neck can place pressure on the nerves leading to the thyroid gland. Although chiropractics concentrates on the musculoskeletal system, adjustments to the spine can relieve pressure on the nerves that control organs in the body. Individuals who are experiencing glandular problems can get help from a Wilmington thyroid chiropractor.

Adjustment to the spine alleviate pain and help to restore proper functioning of the nervous system correcting any inequality that can progress to a glandular condition. When adjustments alleviate pressure on the nerves, it can have a positive effect on glands.

Chiropractic care for glandular conditions may also include exercise and nutrition education. In addition, corrections to posture can also help reduce stress on one’s nervous system. The exercise plan will be specific to each individual, taking into consideration any physical limitations. An evaluation of the person’s diet will help the chiropractor develop some guidelines to meet nutritional needs.

Before any therapy program is started, the chiropractic professional will review each case individually. A complete assessment will be conducted which often includes x-rays and range-of-motion evaluation. The individual will be asked specific questions regarding how severe their pain is, what brought on pain, and how long they have been experiencing the pain.

Once the initial office visit and assessment in complete, the chiropractic professional will develop a therapy plan to help alleviate the pressure causing the discomfort. The plan will typically include adjustments to the spine that will need to be repeated over a period of time. Exercises to be done at home will be provided, as well as nutritional counseling.

For individuals in Wilmington thyroid problems can get help for the condition through chiropractic care and with simple lifestyle changes. Continuing with exercising, nutritional changes, and correcting posture, will help the individual maintain wellness. The idea behind chiropractic care is to help the individual reach optimal health.

In the city of Wilmington thyroid disease relief is available through a local chiropractor. You can learn more about the techniques by visiting the web pages at http://wilmingtonThyroid.com today.

Wilmington Thyroid Disease Helped With Chiropractic Therapy

There are two basic types of thyroid disease. If the gland is over-producing hormones, the condition is called hyperthyroidism. However, if the gland is under-producing hormones, that condition is called hypothyroidism. If you suffer from either disease in Wilmington thyroid conditions can be managed with chiropractic therapy.

One of the traditional therapies used to manage both conditions is oral medications. In the case of hypothyroidism, the drugs are intended to boost the missing hormones. As for hyperthyroidism, there are drugs designed to reduce the gland’s production. In other cases, one suffering from hyperthyroidism might also go under radiation or surgery.

The gland is located at the front of the neck, wrapping around the spine. It is responsible for regulating a wide variety of your body’s functions, from your brain to your immune system. Its location on the spine has invited greater scrutiny by chiropractors.

An underlying principle of all chiropractics is that an unaligned spine is the source of most bodily disease. The belief is that distortions in the spine can irritate the spinal nerves. This in turn, could affect the ability to produce hormone at appropriate levels.

The corollary to the unaligned spine theory is that the practitioner then works to realign the vertebrae. The intention here is that the body can work to heal itself from the ailments affecting it once the spinal column is functioning at its best. To this end, the chiropractor might use any one of a number of therapies.

While in the clinic, the patient will receive body work from the practitioner. This body work might include physical manipulation of the spine, muscles, and possibly the skull as well. Because of the location, chiropractors have started to bring their perspectives and therapies to help patients manage its malfunctioning. If you are suffering from one of these conditions, a Wilmington thyroid chiropractor might be able to offer some relief.

Hyperthyroidism can be treated effectively with chiropractic care. You can find information about the best Wilmington Thyroid chiropractor at http://wilmingtonThyroid.com now.

Wilmington Hypothyroid Disease Relief Is Closer Than You Think

People suffering from Hypothyroid disease are traditionally geared towards oral medications to address their condition. In addition to this option, people are looking for other, more holistic approaches to managing the disease. Wilmington thyroid chiropractors also address the condition by potentially offering relief from the disease.

Hypothyroidism is the condition of having your thyroid gland under-produce hormones your body needs. Your thyroid gland helps regulate your brain function, immune system, musculoskeletal system, and maintain your hormonal balance. If it doesn’t produce the right amount of hormones, it can leave you with a number of challenges.

The most common symptoms of hypothyroidism are fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, puffy face, and difficulty managing cold. The condition can also lead to allergies, gastrointestinal problems, or generalized body pain, among other ailments. If left untreated, one might even increase their risk of getting arthritis, diabetes, depression, emphysema, or high blood pressure.

The chiropractic approach to managing the disease does not focus exclusively only on the gland itself. Using an array of available techniques, the chiropractor manipulates the spine, muscles, and perhaps even skull, in order to create a better aligned spine. The premise is that when there is alignment along the spine, all the body functions in a healthier way.

While practitioners will manipulate the body to help relieve hypothyroid disease, they can also provide a regimen sufferers can follow at home. Often, they will include nutritional therapy. A patient might also receive a schedule of exercises that can be done at home that build on the physical work done in the clinic.

All these chiropractic options are predicated on the principle that the body, properly supported, can work to heal itself. Where medications might be helpful, chiropractors might also offer some additional options. For anyone in Wilmington thyroid conditions can find relief.

Hypothyroidism can cause other health issues if left untreated. You can find information about a well-respected Wilmington thyroid chiropractor at http://wilmingtonThyroid.com now.

Top Chiropractor In Wilmington Helps Locals With Hypothyroid Disease

Not many people know that uncomfortable hypothyroid disease symptoms can be relieved by a local chiropractor. Wilmington thyroid disease can lead to some uncomfortable symptoms like limited mobility, muscle aches, weight gain, hair loss, and fatigue. Chiropractic care is better known for pain relief connected to accident injuries, sports injuries, neck, and back pain.

Chiropractic care can get rid of many types of problems originating from different conditions. Non-surgical and painkiller-free techniques are used to dispose of hypothyroidism. They are safe and do not cause additional pain. Chiropractors use natural pain relief methods. Manually manipulating the spinal cord and using an ultrasound machine are common methods used in these facilities.

For an under-active thyroid, the doctor may want to replace your current diet with something healthier. A balanced diet will induce a balanced metabolism and make your hormonal gland act normally. Your doctor may also use homeopathy, acupuncture medicine, and let you take some herbs that contain iodine to ease the symptoms.

Your medical history, lifestyle, and exercise routines may be studied by a chiropractor. He may also assess your eating habits to find the root cause of your hormonal imbalance. X-rays can be used by your doctor to find irregularities that are also adding to your health issues. Some additional problems that might be revealed in an x-ray are spine, joint, and bone problems.

After you are thoroughly evaluated, your doctor will figure out a suitable therapy to relieve your hypothyroidism symptoms. It is possible that he will give you a long-term plan to follow to balance your metabolism and thyroid system. Your discomfort will be relieved, mobility will increase and you might be surprised to find out that your weight will also become more ideal.

When you are healthy, your thyroid gland will begin acting normal and painful symptoms will go away. Some common hypothyroid disease symptoms include facial swelling, dry hair or skin, tiredness, and weight gain. You should not have a problem finding a top chiropractor. Wilmington thyroid problems do not have to be permanent if you seek chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care helps relieve the symptoms of hypothyroidism quickly. You can find information about a well-respected Wilmington Thyroid chiropractor at http://wilmingtonThyroid.com now.